Postcards from Olympic National Park

November is the rainiest month in the Olympic Peninsula, so I lucked out with only a couple inches of precipitation. Any way you shake it, it’s not really camping weather this time of year, but I’m a stubborn man and pitched a tent for a week in the woods anyway. On the bright side, I had my pick of campsites and was able to choose one that seemed like it wouldn’t flood if (when) the heavens opened up.

Over the course of the week, I got some great photo sessions in on the coast, in the forest, and up in the mountains. I’ve now spent close to 50 days photographing for this Olympic project and am loving the direction that it’s evolving in. The goal is for this to become a book, but we’re still a handful of years away from that. Many, many trails left to hike before I’ll feel like I’ve gotten to know the Peninsula and photographed it thoroughly.

Hope you're well,



Postcards from 2023


Postcards from the Oregon Cascades